Having a Ball?

>> Sunday, 29 April 2012

We did a Wings of War/Glory game today, others were doing Grande Armee Napoleonics and Great Captains ancients

The Report on our game is at: Herkybirds nest


Club report 21st April 2012

>> Saturday, 21 April 2012

There was a slightly lower turnout today at the club due to Salute and generalised confusion!
However, there were still several games on!

Ours was a Colonial skirmish. Report as usual at: Herkybirds nest

Some pics thereof?

Frankie and Pete doing Great Captains Renaissance
 Jed and Paddy doing Empire Napoleonics
 An Impetus Ancients game
 A Grande Armee Napoleonic game

A good day was had by all!


>> Saturday, 14 April 2012

We did a Coastal Warfare game at the club today, the write up is at: Herkybirds nest

Others were doing Napoleonics, Ancients, and Warhammer 40K! - sorry - didnt take any pics of them!

The last meet before Easter!

>> Tuesday, 3 April 2012

We had a last game day before the Easter weekend, when we will all be reduced to painting figures!

We did a Colonial game: The full report is at: Herkybirds nest
 Frankie, Pete and Craig were doing ancient Indian wars with 'Great Captains' 
 Ian watching a spider descending on Pete?
 A Portugese v Spanish game using 'Empire' - the Spanish have taken a hill, hence the giant bulls!

Happy gaming over Easter! - we are back on 14th April!

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