Hammer of the Elves
>> Saturday 23 December 2023
We had another Oathmark game today, and had another grinding match! - to see how it went, please go to this LINK
Read more...We had another Oathmark game today, and had another grinding match! - to see how it went, please go to this LINK
Read more...Today, we had 2 games of Wings of Glory at the club, and had our usual fun!
If you want to see how it went, please go to this LINK
Today, we tried Oathmark for the first time, to see how it went, please go to this LINK
Read more...Today, we returned to the skies of WW1 over France, and had a good game!
If you want to see who won, please go to this LINK
Read more...Today, we had another go at Galleys and Galleons at the club, to see if a couple of changes made it better.
If you want to see if they did, please go to this LINK
Read more...Today, we had another game of Dragon Rampant at the club, using only Orcs and the like!
If you want to see how it went, please go to this LINK
Today we had another game of Galleys and Galleons at the club, and I have done a report on the game if you are interested?
Its at this LINK
Today, we had a Samurai skirmish at the club, and had a very tight game against my AI run Ikko-Ikki.
If you want to see how it went please go to this LINK
Today we returned to the American Revolution / AWI at our club, and had an interesting game - after Valley Forge, the American army is a lot more capable!
Please go to this LINK for more!
Today we had an 18th century colonial game at the club, and had a good game!
If you want to see the report, please go to this LINK
Today we had a couple of games of 'What a Tanker' at the club, if you want to see how it went please go to this LINK
Read more...Today, we had another go at Dragon Rampant, if you want to see how this on went, please go to this LINK
Read more...Today we had a Wings of Glory game, or two, at the club, and had fun as always!
If you want to see how it went, please go to this LINK
Read more...Today we had another AWI game at the club, and had a fun game!
If you want to see how this one went, please go to this LINK
Read more...Today, we had another Conan game at the club, and I think everyone enjoyed it?
If you want to see what happened, please go to this LINK
Also at the club, Ian's lot were doing 'A Very British Civil War' - here are a few pictures:
Today we had a game of Dragon Rampant at the club, which was strange!
If you want o see how it went, please go to this LINK
Today we had a first try at our club with Lion Rampant, my report of the game is on my other blog at THIS LINK
Elsewhere at the club, there were several different game as usual. My friend Ian was doing 'Wars of Ozz'.. so here are a few pictures of that... Read more...Today we had another game of AWI at the club, and I have recorded what happened on my blog at this LINK
Read more...Today, the lads were doing a Colonial game using The Men Who Would Be Kings rules, Phil has done a report on my blog at this LINK
Read more...Today we had another game of 'What a Cowboy' at the club, and a hard battle it was! - If you want to see who won, please go to this LINK
Today we returned to doing the AWI, and had a fun game, even though my dice let me down somewhat, or maybe Phil's were too good!
The result can be seen on my blog at this LINK
Today we had a try at the newly released 'What a Cowboy' rules, and had a great game out of them.
If you want to see a few pics from the game, please go to my blog at THIS LINK
Today we had another game trying out my Fantasy rules, and had a tough little fight to win.
If you want to see how it went, please go to my blog at this LINK.
Today, we had a couple of games of Galleys and Galleons at the club, so if you want to see how they went, as usual, please go to my blog at this LINK
Today, we had another AWI game at the club, and thing went from bad to worse, so if you like tales of woe, please go to this LINK.
Today, I was basically doing a solo game at the club, and had quite a fun time doing it! If you want to see how it went, please go to this LINK
It was Conan time again at the club, which was useful in my rule writing project for fantasy.
If you want to see how today's game went, please go to this LINK
Today, we had an AWI/American revolution game at the club. It was just Lawrence and me playing this week, with slightly reorganised armies.
If you want to see how this game went, please go to this LINK
Today, we had a game of Wings of Glory WW1 at the club, if you want to see what happened, please go to this LINK
Read more...Today we played What a Tanker at the club again, and had fun as usual!
If you want to see how we did in our fist game, please go to this LINK
Today we had another AWI game at the club, and had a good game, If you want to see how it went, please go to this LINK
Read more...Today we had another game of AWI at the club at the request of Andy Mc Master who does our website, and is an AWI aficionado.
If you want to see what happened, and lots of toys being moved around, please go to this LINK
Today we playtested my new Fantasy rules with a Conan the Barbarian scenario, if you want to know how it went, please go to this LINK
Read more...Today we had another game of American Revolution, and I have done a report on my other blog at this LINK
Read more...Today we had another AWI game at the club, and a hard battle it was too!
If you want to see how it went, please go to my other blog at THIS LINK
Today we had a couple of games of What a Tanker at the club, if you want to know what happened, please go to THIS LINK
Today we had a Zulu war skirmish at the club, if you want to see how it went please go to this LINK
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