The last game till September!

>> Sunday 26 July 2015

As the title suggests, the club is off now till after Border Reiver on September 5th.

Yesterday, we did a little Safari game.The write up is on my blog Herkybirds nest. Here are some pictures from the game....


See you back in September!


Retreating to Dunkerque

>> Sunday 19 July 2015

Yesterday, we did a WW2 skirmish at the club, using 1940 troops!
The scenario was a retreating British force having to break through a blocking force of Germans to reach safety.

Interested? - the AAR is on my blog Herkybirds nest

Here are some pictures from the game....



Another day at the club...

>> Sunday 12 July 2015

Today, we did a WW1 Wings of Glory game again, as our original plans to do ACW skirmish had to be shelved.

My report on our game is on my blog: Herkybirds nest

Here are some pictures of the games at the club today...

Our game, DH-2s vs Fokker Eindeckers.
 Lawrence, Phil, and a visitor, Mervyn, visiting our club today.
Ian, rod and Andy were doing the Russian front 'Rapid Fire' WW2. 
Pete, Frankie et al were doing 'Great Captains' ancients. 
The rest were doing various 18th century battles... 

Some nice looking games, I am sure you will agree?


Destroyer action in the channel

>> Sunday 5 July 2015

Yesterday we did a WW2 naval game, pitting German Torpedo boats against Hunt class 2 escort destroyers, guns against torpedoes!
The write up is on my blog Herkybirds nest 

Here are a few pics from the game...



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