A new Viking saga?

>> Sunday 26 May 2013

Our game at the club yesterday was a dark age skirmish (Viking/Viking) - the report is at Herkybirds nest

Here are some pics of the games at the club...

Lawrence and Ian (and Phil's hands) as our game got set up.
 Ian's Vikings.
 Phil's Vikings
 The other games...Impetus!
 I ain't been shot mum! WW2
 And another game of IABSYM.
Blast from the past, Empire Napoleonics 
 Grande Armee Napoleonics
 At a very full club, the Ancient players held a small corner!
There were a lot of games on today!


ACW-ing at the club

>> Sunday 19 May 2013

We did an American Civil war skirmish at the club today, the report is at: Herkybirds nest

Here are some pics from the game!



The club today!

>> Monday 13 May 2013

Well, on Saturday actually!

My games are viewable on my blog (Game 1 and Game 2)

Most of the club was in Scotland, gaming, so only ours and Petes games were on:

Jimi and Phil at our game, Pete, Craig and Frankie at the back.
 Our little planes in action!
The other tables rennaissance game..
Note the cannon shooting moles! 
Nice looking game!  
 Thanks for viewing!


A Normandy skirmish

>> Sunday 5 May 2013

We did a WW2 1944 skirmish at the club yesterday, the full write up being at Herkybirds nest

The rules are available on the downloads page on this website .. Rules

Ian was off doing a Fantasy game with Pete and Frankie and Craig, so it was just the 3 of us playing this week!

Here are some pics of our game:

A good game was had by all!


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