French and Indianing!
>> Saturday, 31 July 2021
We had a French and Indian war game at the club today, and I have done a write up on my blog at this LINK
We had a French and Indian war game at the club today, and I have done a write up on my blog at this LINK
Read more...Today, we had our last game for a couple of weeks as the hall we use is hosting a wedding!
Never mind, we had a good game today, of Seven Years War. If you want to see what happened, please go to my blog at THIS LINK
Today, there were several games on at the club, Chain of Command WW2, Impetus ancients, Samurai using modified Pike and Shotte rules, and I was doing Star Wars skirmish.
The Samurai!
Today, we had a Coastal Forces game at the club. Elsewhere, Ian and co were doing Bolt Action: Pacific war, and there were 2 Ancient/Medieval games using Impetus.
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