French and Indianing!

>> Saturday, 31 July 2021

 We had a French and Indian war game at the club today, and I have done a write up on my blog at this LINK


The last game for a couple of weeks.

>> Saturday, 17 July 2021

 Today, we had our last game for a couple of weeks as the hall we use is hosting a wedding!

Never mind, we had a good game today, of Seven Years War. If you want to see what happened, please go to my blog at THIS LINK


A mix of games

>> Saturday, 10 July 2021

 Today, there were several games on at the club, Chain of Command WW2, Impetus ancients, Samurai using modified Pike and Shotte rules, and I was doing Star Wars skirmish.

The Samurai!

The Ikko-Ikki!

My Rebels!

Coastal forces at the club.

>> Saturday, 3 July 2021

 Today, we had a Coastal Forces game at the club. Elsewhere, Ian and co were doing Bolt Action: Pacific war, and there were 2 Ancient/Medieval games using Impetus.

for more on our game, please go to this LINK

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