A Day at Tyneside Wargames club

>> Wednesday 28 October 2009

This is a quick overview of a typical Saturday morning at the club. Its the same day we had the Medieval skirmish game featured in my last Blog entry.

This dreadful picture is me trying to make up my mind on how to stop my Norman archers getting shot. Either that or I have something in my eye!

A Wings of War: Dawn of WW2 game. Me109s sparring with two Spitfires. Great game!

An Ancient Cavalry wing about to roll up the opposition! (Great Captains rules)

The Napoleonic (Empire rules) lads, working out how to fight in a wood. Either that or Jed has his finger stuck on an upturned bayonet!

Darn it! - these figures all look the same!

Johnny Reb rules ACW game. Like all rules its tough to find the answer to any query until you stop looking for it! - just look at the concentration on those faces!

That Napoleonic game in full swing! -- players declaring their evil intentions to the opposition!
Its a good general (excuse the pun) rule that you don't need to beat the enemy army, just the general of the said army!

Pete Foggin (Club secretary) trying to decide if his coffee is safe behind that militia! - those enemy light cavalry look mighty threatening!

Phil - one of our newest (and most welcome!) members finding out from Ian how good his Vikings are not!

The Club is pretty easy going usually, though some rule sets definitely provoke more discussion than others!.

We are always happy to see new faces - don't be frightened to pop in if you are in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Happy Gaming!



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