AAR - Club Meeting Saturday 14th November

>> Thursday 19 November 2009

Last Saturday saw me make it down to the club for one of my rare all day visits. I was playing Grande Armee (report on my blog) but I took a few pictures of the other games so thought it would be nice to post them here.

First up, overview of the hall:

Ian and Lawrence and another (I'm terrible with names!) were playing a General Quarters naval game. Not the most photogenic game due to lots of blue/grey on blue table so the pictures doesn't really do it justice:

And then there was the regular Great Captain game with Pete et al. There is currently a Roman Civil War type campaign running and the day saw two games fought to resolve the status of Gallic and Numidian allies:

My game, Bucasso using Grande Armee in 6mm, was great fun and is written up in my own blog, Another Slight Diversion, but here are a couple of taster pictures:

There were also two 15mm Napoleonic games using Empire V rules:

And finally an excellent 28mm Pirate skirmish game from Lloyd and Steve:

All in all another successful club meeting with a wide variety of games and a good turn out.


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